When to Change

Once your tyres have been fitted on your car, we recommend having them inspected properly at least once a year. Age deteriorates your tyres regardless of whether or not you drive on them, and it is recommend to get the rotated every 8,000 to 10,000km. Remember the age of the tyre is measured from the date of manufacture, not of the date of purchase, as tyres wear even in storage. If possible, try to replace your tyres at the same time, as mismatched tyres will not provide you with the same grip, safety and performance that a full set of matching tyres will.

Tyre tread depth

flat tyre Zimbabwean law says your tyres must have at least a 1 millimetre tread. If your tread falls below that figure, you risk hefty fines. All Dunlop tyres have tread wear indicators in the tread pattern to show when the tread depth is worn. Without the correct tread, your tyres lose grip easily, and your vehicle becomes unsafe.

If you get a puncture

Some punctures can be repaired by specialists, so visit our nearest dealers to check if your tyre can be repaired rather than replaced. If the puncture is irreparable, you’ll need to choose and fit a new tyre.

If your tyres haven’t been properly aligned, inflated, or fitted, you may experience irregular wear. If this happens, it is best to replace the tyres as soon as possible, to prevent further wear, which can result in an unsafe drive.

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